ࡱ> HJG f-bjbjVV 3H<<%K8;<w40^ 4666666c"V66K^44:,``8ȁîn^ a0R""`"`66" : BYLAWS American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists *** University Name The name of the chapter shall be the *** University Student Chapter of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (also referred to herein as the ɫֱStudent Chapter or simply, the Chapter). Purpose The purpose of the Chapter is to advance to objects of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) at *** University. Affiliation The Chapter shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the AATCC, and by such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors of ɫֱmay establish for the conduct of student chapters, and laws adopted by the Chapter as approved by the Board of Directors of AATCC. Due regard shall be given to HYPERLINK "http://www.aatcc.org/about/AATCC-Bylaws-August08.pdf"ɫֱBylaws Article XIII, Section 1, and compliance there within in all respects shall be mandatory. Membership Officers of the ɫֱStudent Chapter shall be student members of the ɫֱas defined in HYPERLINK "http://www.aatcc.org/about/AATCC_Constitution-Oct2104-Rv.pdf"Article IV Section 3 of the ɫֱConstitution. Each Chapter member must be in good standing with the university and have and maintained a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. There must be a minimum of 10 members, representing the ɫֱStudent Chapter. The elected officers of ɫֱstudent chapter shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The organization does not discriminate in the selection of its members or appointments when discrimination is defined as denying individuals membership or appointment on the basis of a persons age, race, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, handicap, marriage status, place or residence. No member of the ɫֱStudent Chapter shall have authority to represent this Chapter of the Association officially, or to incur any expenses in the name of the Chapter of the Association, except as may be authorized by specific majority vote of the Board of Directors (HYPERLINK "http://www.aatcc.org/about/AATCC-Bylaws-August08.pdf"ɫֱBylaws Article XIV, Section 1). Voting Membership a. Students who are currently enrolled at *** University will be eligible to be a voting member of the Student Chapter, or an elected or appointed officer of said organization with payment of their annual dues to AATCC. b. Non-students will be allowed to participate in any Chapter activity, but will not be voting members or officers of said organization. A non-student is someone who is not currently enrolled at *** University for the fall or spring semester. Privileges of Membership The Executive Committee shall be elected in accordance with Article VIII of this of this constitution. Special Committees may be appointed by, and their duties defined by the Executive Committee. Special events will take place with permission granted by members. Establishment of Officers, Their Duties, and Authority The affairs of ɫֱStudent Chapter shall be managed by an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall constitute of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor. The Chair shall be elected to serve for one year. The Chair shall preside or appoint the Vice Chair as the presiding officer at each general meeting of the Chapter and each meeting of the Executive Committee. The Chair, through written notice to the Secretary, may delegate his duties to the Vice Chair. In the event of absence or disability, the Chair will appoint the Vice Chair to serve as acting Chair until the Chair is able to resume duties. In addition to such duties, the Chapter Chair will appoint the Vice Chair to serve as Chair of any special committees. A written report shall be given at each general meeting on the activities of such committees. The Vice Chair shall be elected to serve for one year. The Vice Chair shall be appointed to serve as Chair of any special committees. Shall preside as acting Chair in the event of an absence of disability until the Chair is able to resume duties. The Secretary shall be elected to serve for one year but may stand for re-election. The Secretary shall be the custodian of records and properties of the Chapter. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the Executive Committee and of the general meetings of the Chapter. The report shall include a statement of meeting attendance and the progress of enlisting new members. In accordance with Article XIII, Section 1 of the ɫֱBylaws, the Chapter Secretary shall send to the ɫֱHYPERLINK "/general/admin.htm"Executive Vice President a report of each general meeting of the Chapter within two weeks of the meeting. The Treasurer shall be elected to serve for one year but may stand for re-election. The Treasure shall manage the financial transactions of the Chapter in accordance with the rules of *** University. Organization monies will be handled by the Treasurer regardless of source. An itemized budget for the planned activities of each Chapter shall be prepared for presentation to the Student Senate at the start of each academic year. The Treasurer shall render a written report of the financial condition of the Chapter at each general meeting, and an annual report after the completion of the academic year. No individual shall hold two offices concurrently. The Faculty Advisor will be considered part of the Executive Committee. The Faculty Advisors duties will be to assist the Executive Committee and attend the Student Chapter functions. In the instance that a duty cannot be fulfilled a substitute shall be appointed. In order to qualify for advisorship the individual must be Academic/Administrative faculty of *** University as well as a current member of AATCC. Nominations, Elections, and Removal of Officers Nominations for the offices of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be made each year by floor nominations prior to the ending of the spring semester. Nominations can only be made when at least one-half of the members are present. Election of officers will be held by secret ballot during a general meeting of the Chapter. To each office the candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. Each officer must be in good standing with the university, have a working knowledge of University policies and procedures and the Student Code of Conduct, exemplify the core values of *** University, and have and maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average. If officers cannot be elected by the first meeting of the year, the Faculty Advisor may appoint an Acting Chair, Acting Secretary, and Acting Treasurer until an election can be held. In the event that the Chair is to be removed or resigns from office, the Vice Chair will take the place of the Chair. In the event the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer is to be removed from office, there will be a meeting called to elect a member to that position. Meetings Meetings will be held monthly during the fall and spring semesters. The officers can set a convenient meeting day and time. Each regular member will be notified of scheduled meetings at the beginning of each semester. Meetings of the Chapter and its Committees shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. Dues of the Organization Each student wishing to be a member of the ɫֱStudent Chapter must fill out an application and pay US$35 in annual membership dues to the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustee, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered. The organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by any organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1964 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Laws). The term Association in this section refers to the ɫֱStudent Chapter. Quorum The quorum necessary for the ɫֱChapter to make decisions is a 50% of the membership plus one, majority vote. A quorum refers to the number of members of a group or organization required to be present to transact business legally, usually a majority. Selection and Replacement of Faculty Advisor The Faculty advisor shall be a member of ɫֱand may be replaced at his or her own request or at the request of the Chair of the *** Department in consultation with the officers of the ɫֱStudent Chapter. Disbursal of Organization Assets In the event of disbanding of this ɫֱStudent Chapter all assets will go to the *** Fund. Amendments Proposed amendments to these bylaws must be presented in writing, tabled for one month, and voted upon at the next consecutive meeting. A 50% of the membership plus one member shall be required for passage of any amendment. Approval of the Faculty Advisor shall also be required for passage of any bylaw ammendment. For an amendment to become effective, it must be forwarded to the HYPERLINK "/general/admin.htm"Executive Vice President of ɫֱand shall be approved by the Board of Directors. All amendments to these bylaws must be approved by the Student Senate of *** University.     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